Senin, 19 November 2012

ARD funding opportunities


The calls, to be launched in January with a budget of €11 million, will offer research funding in areas such as agriculture, health, climate change and energy, grouped under three headings: "Renewable Energy", "Interfacing Challenges" and "Idea driven research". The calls have been developed within the framework of the €2 million, three-year "ERA-Net for Africa" (ERAfrica) project. ERAfrica was set up to facilitate networking of African and European funders of research and innovation and to work towards joint project calls. The agreement concerns ministries and public institutions from 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Kenya, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Switzerland and Turkey. Together they have agreed to fund research for at least € 11 million, with the five African states contributing nearly €4 million.

The project calls are expected to be published in mid-January 2013, with a deadline for application of around mid-April 2013. Signing of the contracts is foreseen from December 2013 to May 2014.

ACP-EU Cooperation Program in Science and Technology, 2nd Call for Proposals
The EU announces S&T II as its second call for proposals to strengthen science, technology, and innovation in developing countries. Priority thematic areas are energy access and efficiency, as well as agriculture and food security. Grants will range from €300 thousand to €1 million (exceptionally to €3 million) for activities in capacity building, awareness raising, science promotion, and other support for S&T. The program is open to organizations in the developing countries defined by the EDF and DCI funding categories (i.e., most developing countries) -- and to international organizations. A proposal requires three or more partners, at least two of which must be located in ACP (African, Caribbean, and Pacific) member states. The application deadline is 07 February 2013

Africa- Brazil Agricultural Innovation Marketplace.
The next call for pre-proposals is planned to be launched on 02 January 2013The new Marketplace website will be available for registrations starting 01 Dec 2012. You are encouraged to visit and register yourself on the new website after 01 Dec. By registering, you will receive updated information on the initiative and will be able to find partners and submit proposals during the call.

Agricultural Research for Food Security
USAID-Washington announces funding for agricultural research in support of the Feed the Future initiative. USAID will support six research programs with grants ranging from US$500 thousand to US$3 million per year -- not including additional funding anticipated from USAID's field programs (i.e., missions). The program is restricted to eligible U.S. colleges and universities. Funding Opportunity RFA-OAA-12-000036. The closing date is 21 December 2012. Link

Research on Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems
The UK's Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) collaborates with the UK's other research councils, and with the UK's Department for International Development, for research that will lead to reduced transmission of diseases between livestock and people in developing countries. Applications should be submitted by research partners in the UK and developing countries. BBSRC posts details of the program, as well as an online tool to help find collaboration opportunities. The closing date for applications is 10 January 2013.

Food Security in Madagascar
The European Commission (EC) supports agricultural development in five regions of southern Madagascar through the FRDA (i.e., regional funds for agricultural development). The EC's funding will contribute to and strengthen the FRDA's management of funding and technical assistance. Eligibility for grants extends to nonprofit NGOs in the EU and its candidate countries; the European Economic Area; and the ACP countries (including Madagascar) and other developing countries. Reference EuropeAid/133260/M/ACT/MG. The application deadline is 29 January 2013. Link

Food Security in Burkina Faso
The EC announced two calls for proposals to improve food security in Burkina Faso (EuropeAid/133611/C/ACT/BF, and EuropeAid/133612/C/ACT/BF). Objectives (among others) include support for agricultural production, vegetable growing, and raising small ruminants and poultry. The programs are open to nonprofit NGOs in the EU countries, ACP countries (including Burkina Faso), and OECD/DAC countries -- consult eligibility details in each call. Grants range from €400 thousand to €1 million, varying in each call, and subject to co-financing requirements. The application deadlines are 14 December 2012 for Call 133612, and 17 December for Call 133611. Link 133611 Link133612

Food Security in Burundi
The EC calls for projects in Burundi to increase food security. The aim is to strengthen agricultural producers, and to reinforce value chains in nutrition. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations in EU member states and candidate countries, OECD countries, developing countries (including Burundi), and international organizations. Proposals need to include partner organizations in Burundi. Grant size is €3.5 million to €5.4 million, subject to co-financing requirements. Reference EuropeAid/132679/M/ACT/BI. The application deadline is 14 December 2012. Link

Agricultural Development in Sierra Leone
The EC's Delegation in Sierra Leone is making grants through "Agriculture 4 Development" to strengthen the country's production and export of cocoa, coffee, and cashews. The themes are improved production; quality control; improved processing; and marketing. The program is open to nonprofit organizations in the EU and the ACP (Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific) countries, working in collaboration with partners in Sierra Leone. Reference EuropeAid/133547/M/ACT/SL. The deadline for proposals is 18 January 2013.

Innocentive -- Storage Container to Protect Seed and Grain
Innocentive is a platform to promote open innovation and crowd sourcing for solutions to important problems. It currently posts a challenge that calls for designs or materials for a storage bag, container, or vessel that protects seeds and grains against rodent infestations. Requirements include durability over several seasons, low cost, and feasibility for use in developing countries. The winning proposal will receive US$20 thousand. Proposals need to be submitted by 21 November 2012.

Grants to Strengthen Farming Communities 2013
The Monsanto Fund makes grants in support of agricultural communities around the world. Grants of US$25 thousand and more are available to tax-exempt charitable organizations for activities and projects that address farmers' education and training; food security; community water and sanitation; and other local needs. Monsanto's international grants are administered at the country level; interested persons should contact the Fund's national liaison. The next application period is 01 January 2013 through 28 February 2013. Link Fund Link Locations

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 

Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Program
The EU-FAO FLEGT Program 2012-2016 announces its first call for proposals. The program makes grants to organizations in developing countries that have signed a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with the European Union, as well as to organizations in selected non-VPA countries. The first call for proposals is for government institutions, civil society organizations, and organizations/federations in the private sectors of non-VPA countries (listed on the website). Grants are up to €100 thousand for actions that support any of the seven themes of the FLEGT program. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 12 December 2012. 

C L I M A T E  C H A N G E

Darwin Plus
UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is collaborating with the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) and its Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to launch Darwin Plus. This is a new program to fund projects in environment and climate change in the UK's overseas territories. The program is open to governments, NGOs, research institutions, private organizations, and others in all of the UK's overseas territories for projects of two years. The application deadline is 01 April 2013

International Climate Initiative 2013
Germany's BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety) funds the International Climate Initiative (ICI) to support projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity projects that have climate relevance. Most projects are led by German and international organizations with partners in developing and emerging countries. Grants are generally over €200 thousand, and sometimes much larger, for projects that are usually two to four years. The closing date for project outlines is 09 January 2013.

The CCAPS fellowships aim to support the next generation of researchers and thought leaders on the topic of climate change and political stability in Africa. CCAPS offers up to three pre-doctoral fellowships in residence at the University of Texas at Austin (Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law) for an academic year, with preference for individuals who have made substantial progress towards the completion of their dissertations. CCAPS encourages applications from women, minorities, and citizens of all countries. The fellowship includes a nine-month stipend of US$24 thousand, and one round-trip airline ticket. The application deadline is 15 February 2013.

D I A S P O R A 

The Common Ground initiative 
This is a £20 million fund supporting African development through UK based small and Diaspora organisations. This initiative is managed by Comic Relief and co-funded by the Department for International Development.


The Australia Awards program will support 20 eligible candidates in Africa for PhD studies in agricultural research at Australian universities, commencing in 2014. The program is open to nationals from the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. The closing date for applications is 31 March 2013.

Grants for Guest Researchers from Africa 2013
The Nordic Africa Institute provides funding to social science researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa for short-term collaborative assignments at the NAI in Uppsala, Sweden. Research areas include one on agrarian change, property, and resources. NAI provides travel, subsistence, an installation allowance, and in-kind support for stays of up to 90 days. The deadline for applications is 01 April 2013

The Fiat Panis Foundation (Germany) makes awards for university thesis and dissertation research in themes of agriculture and natural resources, with a focus on food security in developing countries. The Justus von Liebig Award for World Food is €25 thousand; the Hans Hartwig Ruthenberg Graduate Award is €7.5 thousand. The deadline for both awards is 30 April 2013.

Research Training Fellowships for Scientists in Developing Countries
The Government of India, Department of Science & Technology (DST) announces 20 fellowships for scientists and researchers from developing countries for collaboration with Indian research partners. Thematic areas include agricultural sciences, biological sciences, and several others. The fellowships program is coordinated through the Center for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Center). Fellowships are for six months. Applicants should be below 40 years of age, who possess at least a Master’s Degree in the relevant natural sciences. The closing date for applications is 07 December 2012

Ideas to Contribute to Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa
Through its program Africa Rural Connect, the National Peace Corps Association (U.S.) sponsors a competition of ideas to advance grassroots agriculture and rural development in Sub-Saharan Africa. The "Second Chance" competition allows individuals to take ideas already submitted in previous rounds of the competition and re-mix them by adding new elements. Themes in Africa Rural Connect are water resources, agribusiness, post-harvest losses/storage, transportation and infrastructure, and communication methods. Cash prizes range from US$250 to US$2,000 thousand for the best re-mixes and original ideas. The contest ends 30 November 2012.

Student Video Contest
The "World at 7 Billion" invites short video public service announcements that illustrate the connection between world population at seven billion and one of the following: Food Security; Global Status of Women/Girls; or Wildlife Habitat. The contest is open to high school students (or equivalent) worldwide. Cash prizes will be awarded for videos in each of the three topic areas. The deadline for submissions is 21 February 2013.

In collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Green Belt Movement, the Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF) invites applicants for the Wangari Maathai Scholarship for tertiary education. The scholarship will be awarded to a young woman aged 18 to 25 years on the basis of her passion and personal commitment to environmental conservation. Eligibility extends to Kenyan citizens residing in Kenya. The application deadline is 30 November 2012.

25 Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in any field of research.
By investing in international recruitment of eminent researchers and students, international exchanges and increased collaborations, Stockholm University intends to stimulate the academic environment and strengthen the position of the University in the international market.
Deadline for applications: December 17, 2012.

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