Rabu, 02 November 2011

Wild Things!!!

I'm sure you all know the story Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.  It was always one of my favourite stories as a child.   Remember I told you that I work in an amazing school?  Well yesterday, I walked out of my classroom to find this amazing bulletin board.  It was put together by my colleague Tina Tome and her Grade One class.

After reading the story, Tina decided to use it as a starting point for some descriptive writing.  She had these great foam monster stickers and she gave each child one.  Then each child wrote descriptive sentences about their sticker. 
Next the children drew their wild thing on a piece of black paper with a pencil.  Then they traced and coloured it with chalk pastels.

Below you will find some close-ups.   These guys are totally adorable, dont you think?

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