Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

What is the matter with African agriculture?

AuthorsHenk J.W. Mutsaers , Paul W.M. Kleene (eds.)
Pages384 pages
The first generation of workers in African agricultural development have reached retirement age. Some are no longer actively involved ‘in the field’, while others continue unabatedly. All of them have participated in the unfolding of post-independence agricultural development, or the lack of it, depending on one’s point of view. 

This book brings together the views of a non-trivial sample of agriculturists from many walks of life on the achievements, failures and challenges of African agriculture and the role played by foreign aid in that story. And, even more importantly, they express their vision on what will be needed for African agriculture to move forward in the future, in an age when many new challenges are emerging and new actors are appearing on the scene.

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