Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Falling Leaves Freebie Once Again!

Well it's been a cr-aaaa-zy start to the year.
Let's just say that not only do I have a very large class, I also have a very needy group.
Although I teach Grade 2, I've had to think back to when I taught
kindergarten and try and pull out some of my old tricks.
needless to say, this poor little blog has been
sadly neglected.
But I digress...
So I'm pulling out an oldie, but a goodie.
This little puppy has had over 15,000 dowloads so far
so you might already have it,
but if you don't it's FREE
(my favourite four letter word)
You can click on the photo above to access it,
or click below.
Here's what I wrote when I originally posted this puppy!
"This little download has 4 mini books about falling leaves and signs of fall. It's perfect for your 4 levels of guided reading in a grade 1 class. The skills and objectives range from fine motor and tracing, to comprehension and higher level thinking skills. I hope you enjoy this little "puppy". Please, please, please leave me a comment and tell me what you think. I've been busy working on a few other units which I hope to post up tomorrow."
So click below for your own FREE copy

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