Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

Where I've Been...

It's been a crazy couple of weeks.  My poor blogs are both getting very neglected.
  But I'll be home in another week... 
Guess who refused to sleep on the plane over.
Connor called it the Night Flier.
Two cuties on a bridge.
Where the roads are made of water...
After climbing ALL those steps in 38degrees (which is up around 100 degreed F)
It's beautiful - can't believe I walked up that hill.
Ancient history makes him so happy - what a cutie eh?
Amazing - someone carved this over 2000 years ago...
The Grand Bazar in Istanbul,  They claim to be the largest
indoor shopping center in the world.  4,000 stores or something crazy like that
Christian images uncoverd in the Haiga Sophia Mosque.
Brad has been soooooooooo excited to visit this building.
This building (the Haiga Sophia) was built over 1500 years ago, and has been
standing ever since.  No other building has been standing this long.
And today - Mykonos Greece. 
I look at this photo and just want to start singing Mama-mia. (the ABBA version)

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