Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Agricultural Innovation platforms in practice

Bulletin 396 Putting heads together: Agricultural Innovation platforms in practice
Authors: Suzanne Nederlof , Mariana Wongtschowski , Femke van der Lee
Series : Bulletins of the Royal Tropical Institute
ISBN : 9789460221835 192 pages
Published 2012
Bulletin 396 Putting heads together

The agricultural sector in sub-Saharan Africa badly needs to find new ways of doing things if agricultural development is to contribute to food security and poverty alleviation. This is not only about introducing new technologies to farmers. It is also, even more importantly, about changes in the way old and new technologies, ideas and initiatives are put into practice – as well as how different actors work (together) to stimulate innovation. This book takes a look at platforms that have been set up in order to trigger such change.

However, little is known about how innovation platforms actually operate. This book brings together twelve stories from the field about creating and working with innovation platforms in Africa. It is the result of practitioners putting their heads together to analyse their experiences, and to draw lessons from them. This joint analysis provides insights into how innovation platforms (can) work and different options available to them, and also offers suggestions on how to deal with their main common challenges.

This publication is written from the perspective of practitioners for practitioners. It provides new information on the performance of innovation platforms in developing countries, offers options to policy makers, and gives inspiration to all actors involved in one way or another in stimulating innovation in the agricultural sector.

Putting heads together

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